The Island Command Greenland (GLK) is located at Kangilinnguit (Grønnedal) by the fiord of Arsuk.

GLK is under the defence command and the commander of GLK is directly under the Defence Chief.

All locations are under the commander of the Island Command. These locations are Station Nord, slædepatruljen Sirius headquartered at Daneborg, Mestersvig, Luftgruppe Vest, Kangerlussuaq and the logistics centre for Greenland at the air base in Aalborg. GLK also has a liaison unit at Thule Air Base.

The main task of the Island Command Greenland is surveillance and maintenance of sovereignty. Other tasks include fishery inspection, search and rescue service, marine environment surveillance and combat of pollution, surveying at sea as well as assistance to the Greenlandic society.



Read more about the Island Command Greenland at