
Each person can make none, one or more migrations in one or more calendar years during their lifetime. Calculated as gross movements, it is therefore the number of migrations that is calculated, but when immigration is subtracted from emigration, the net movement is referred to as the number of net immigrated persons.

During the past 27 years, there have been a total of 65,530 immigrations to Greenland. In the same period, 75,848 emigrations took place. This means that 10,318 people have emigrated net, corresponding to 382 on average, each year.

Tabel 6. Nettoindvandringer 1996- (udvalgte år)
1996 2001 2006 2011 2016 2021 antal i alt gennemsnit
Total -483 -252 -644 -159 -312 -222 -10.318 -382
Born in Greenland -419 -234 -466 -303 -360 -280 -10.012 -371
Born outside Greenland -37 -8 -179 150 54 60 -159 -6

Migrations 2010-2021

Considering the age distribution of immigration and emigration after 2010 by place of birth, there are 2 quite different patterns. What is common, however, is that virtually no one immigrates or emigrates over the age of 70, which is naturally due to the fact that there are only very few in those ages.

After-school stays in Denmark leave their mark on hikes for 16-18 year olds. The large net emigration surplus for Greenlandic-born children under the age of 5 are born to mothers who were themselves born outside Greenland.

Remigrations 1995 - 2021

Many migrations are of a temporary nature as they are followed by a migration in the opposite direction after a shorter or longer period of time, the so-called return migrations.

Chart 13a: About 3/5 of an emigration cohort who were born in Greenland re-immigrate within 5 years.

Chart 13b: About 1/5 of an immigration cohort who were born outside Greenland continue to live in Greenland after 5 years.

In the StatBank there is a detailed table where return migrations can be broken down by sex and age. Chart 14 shows the emigration cohorts from 2012-2017 as one and how many have returned within the first 5 years.

Virtually everyone who goes on an after-school stay in Denmark moves back to Greenland within 1 to 3 years.